About Me

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Hi everyone! :) My name is Kristene, and I am 18 years old. This is my second year at YC. I live in Black Canyon City, which i about an hour south of Prescott, which is why I prefer online classes. I work at Rock Springs Cafe, so if your ever around stop in and say hi! Well I guess thats covers the basics. Were all going to have a great semester! :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Good Readers and Writers

“Good Readers and Good Writers”

Nabokov thinks a good reader should have memory, imagination, have some artistic sense, and a dictionary. We must be able to acquaint ourselves with the book. Nabokov believes that the combination of the artistic and the scientific temperaments are the best to have.
I agree with Nabokov. A reader should have an open mind, and an imagination. You can’t go into a book with a closed mind and fully understand what the reader is intending for the purpose. When reading long or detailed literature you need a good memory. Having a good artistic sense helps you have an open mind and see what the writer wants you to see. Seeing every detail and surrounding in a story, is using your artistic sense and your imagination. A dictionary is always helpful to clarify unknown word. When you come across a word you don’t know in a story can throw off the whole meaning if not clarified.
I would like to consider myself a good reader. I am very open minded, and creative. I have a good memory, but I do have to reread often to keep focused. I have an imagination that I keep open when I read so I can mentally picture every step through the story. I like using my artistic sense to visualize every detail of the author’s story. When I read I use a dictionary to clarify words I don’t understand. It is hard to keep reading on when I do not understand fully.